March is… by Dr. Glenda Price

March is Reading Month, Women’s History Month and the month in which we celebrate St. Patrick’s Day.  This confluence of special celebration caused me to think about the women writers that I know of Irish ancestry.  Unfortunately, too few names came to...

We Begin Anew

With the beginning of each new year, we have the opportunity to begin anew. We are given the gift of anticipation for a year better than the last, the expectation of fulfilling our dreams, and the excitement that comes with new paths to travel. We begin 2015 with...

Happy Holidays

This year our holiday period is predicted to be a winter wonderland.  We will enjoy crisp days, snow on the trees, and warmth in our interactions.  This is a time of thanksgiving, gift giving, family and friend gatherings and joyful occasions.  Here at the DPS...

Educational Benefits of Summer

Many times we think of the summer as a period away from school and formal study, without considering the other benefits that children receive during the days when the school doors are closed. Yet we know that exploring our world has significant educational benefit...