We Begin Again

Sep 2, 2014 | News

The beginning of each new school year is a time of excitement, hope, and opportunity – It is a time for meeting new people and renewing old friendships. It is a time of anxiety as we face the unknown yet we do so with great anticipation for growth and development in ways not here to fore experienced.

Frequently we use the phrase welcome back when the new school year begins. However this does not reflect accurately the reality of the summer break.  The teachers, administrators, and students did not go away and leave DPS behind. Many members of the community were engaged in summer school. Hundreds of students attended Camp Bert Shurly. Students participated in a wide range of community events such as the June concert with the DSO at Hartford Memorial Baptist Church. Teachers advanced their knowledge and skills in professional development programs. The processes of education were on going throughout the summer.

So the new school year truly represents a period of transition. That is true for the schools and for the Foundation. We will begin another funding cycle, we will celebrate five years of service to the students of DPS and we will intensify our efforts to gain additional funds to create and enhance educational opportunities for DPS students. We hope that you will join us in each of these ventures.