Vietnam Veterans of America- Detroit Chapter 9 Rewards Randolph Skills Trades Program Completers with Cash Assistance!

Jul 12, 2021News, Student Resources

On June 15, in a COVID-friendly drive-by ceremony, 62 Randolph Career and Technical Center students were awarded $220 cash donated by the Detroit Chapter 9 of the Vietnam Veterans of America, Chapter 9 Detroit (VVA9).  The cash incentives served as a reward for completing the Randolph skilled trades curriculum and graduating from their DPSCD home high school albeit challenges persisted brought on by COVID.  ‘Our students persevered, kept their eyes on the prize and graduated with a certificate of completion in their respective skilled trades area of training; quite an accomplishment during a pandemic”  says Pamela Moore, DPS Foundation President and CEO.  Dick White, representing VVA9, was on site congratulating students and encouraging them to continue on their skilled trades career pathway.  “There are numerous jobs available today in all areas of the skilled trades. Besides being paid while receiving further training, those who enter this field may do so without any student debt and will be able to find good paying work anywhere in the country”, stated Mr. White.

Additional assistance is provided by the Home Builders Association of SE Michigan Foundation and Carhartt to students gaining employment in the skilled trades industry. We congratulate our brilliant Randolph program completers and wish them our very best.