Strategic Plan 2016 – 2020

Jan 29, 2016News, Newsletters


At its meeting on January 21, the DPS Foundation Board of Directors adopted new goals for the period 2016 – 2020. The goals included in the updated Strategic Plan represent continuity and forward movement. The expectation is that these goals will enhance our ability to achieve the mission and vision of the Foundation.


Every DPS student will receive the support needed to achieve his/her full potential


To create and enhance educational opportunities for Detroit Public Schools students


  1. Improve fundraising strategies that provide monies to meet operational expenses and provide grant support approximating $800,000 to $1 million dollars annually
  2. Adopt and create program strategies that will differentiate DPSF in its ability to impact education in DPS
  3. Enlarge and engage the board in the work of the Foundation
  4. Develop better communication strategies between the DPS Foundation, DPS leadership, the foundation community, and the general public

These goals will guide the work of the staff and board for the five year period ahead. We look forward to fulfilling the goals and thus making a significant contribution to the teaching and learning that occurs in the schools.