Our Important Work Together

Jan 29, 2016News, Newsletters

The New Year is off to a fast start with multiple programs and projects at the DPS Foundation. At the same time, there are many questions and expressed concerns about the future of Detroit Public Schools, and thus a hesitancy on the part of potential donors to support our work. Let me share with you why I think that now is a critical time to give.

Our children need to know that the adults in our community care about their future. No matter your thoughts about the debt, we are still obligated to educate all of our children. Today’s students are tomorrow’s workforce, customers, colleagues, neighbors, parents, etc. We need them to be prepared to be contributors to our society and good citizens.

The Board of Directors of the Foundation is committed to achieving our mission. We gladly give of our time, talent, and treasure to help ensure that DPS students are offered the best education possible. However, we cannot do it alone. We need your engagement, your voices, and your donations to ensure that the Detroit renaissance is sustained and includes everyone. Please contact us. Let us know what is important to you, and how you wish to make a difference in the lives of our students.

Jerome Watson
Chair, DPS Foundation Board of Directors