Homeless Students Campaign

Dec 8, 2020Fundraising Events

Our Homeless Students Need Us!

The Office of Homeless and Foster Care (OHFC) serves roughly 1,000 of our students who are considered transient. COVID and cold weather have exacerbated the urgency to support these children.  The term “homeless children and youth” is defined by the McKinney-Vento Homeless Assistance Act – children who lack a fixed, regular and adequate nighttime residence.  Needless to say, these resources are life-saving.  

The OHFC pantry and distribution site at Frederick Douglass Academy for Young Men, 2001 W. Warren, Detroit, MI 48208-2216 is accepting new donated items below (Student service side of the East wing, Room 135-Door #9). Monday-Friday 9 a.m.-3 p.m. Frederick Douglass Academy for Young Men will be closed for drop-off from December 19 and reopening on January 4.

Our students need:
Hygiene Items $24,000 
Clothing & Undergarments $27,000
Outerwear $19,000
Blankets $10,000
Footwear $20,000 

Thank you for your compassion and consideration,
Detroit Public Schools Foundation