Foundation Helps Detroit Icon

Oct 19, 2011 | Blogs

Since our Foundation focuses on schools and kids, it’s always special when we can play a role in connection with Detroit Icons that share the same values.  One example is what’s happening this Fall with The Parade Company, producer of America’s Thanksgiving Parade – a Detroit tradition like no other.

With the support of PNC Bank, teachers from the Grow Up Great program are receiving added value from the support the Foundation helps provide for their early childhood program in 14 Detroit classrooms in eight schools.  This fall 30 plus pre-K teachers from these eight schools received up-close training and an educator guide teaching the science of parade float building that they can bring into their classrooms.  Also as part of this program, students in those classrooms have been able to tour the Parade Company studios, where float preparation is well underway, and their handprints will go on a float that will travel down Woodward on Thanksgiving Day.  That new float will be unveiled on November 4th.

This year, in the 85th Parade, you will have a chance to see the marks of the Foundation in action.  Thanks to PNC Bank and The Parade Company, pre-school children in Detroit are getting one-of-a-kind experiences.

I also want to let you know about another way our donors are helping students.  It started when the Frederick Douglass High School football team received national attention after its gear was stolen in September before a game.  We have received several contributions from donors who want to help the Hurricanes.  Once again, this is proof of the far and wide support that exists for Detroit students.  We appreciate all who care about this commitment.