”Failure to plan, is planning to fail”

Mar 26, 2015 | Blogs, Message from Dr. Price

We have often heard the phrase “failure to plan, is planning to fail”. With that in mind, an recognizing that the opportunities to support DPS students are vast, the staff and board of the Foundation developed a plan to increase the probability of having a positive impact on the academic achievement of  students. This plan has served us well and continues to be the guiding framework for grant decisions.

Because the Foundation exists to support and compliment the academic goals of the district as a whole, as well as individual schools, we consistently review our plan to ensure that it remains in concert with the expectations of the district. The recently released 10-Point Management Plan, developed by Darnell Earley, Emergency Manager, demonstrates the continuing relevance of the priorities which the Foundation delineated in its plan in 2011.

The DPS Management Plan for academics outlines specific areas of focus. In line with the objectives of this new plan which the schools are expected to achieve, the DPS Foundation can point to numerous examples of past support, at the same time that we reaffirm our commitment to be of service to teachers and students. A few areas of alignment include:

[column type=”1/2″]  Management Objectives

  1. Growth & Learning Opportunities for Teachers
  2. Teacher to Teacher Mentoring
  3. Wrap around student support services
  4. Removal of barriers
  5. Continued expansion of pre-K
  6. Strengthening performing arts
  7. Integration of technology

[/column] [column type=”1/2″ last=”true”]DPS Foundation Examples of Support

  1. Teacher Professional Development
  2. Grow Up Great in-class coaching
  3. See To Achieve vision screening
  4. Safe routes to school
  5. Grow Up Great
  6. All City High School Marching Band
  7. Purchase of lap top carts-computers[/column] [clear]

Our vision is that every DPS student will receive the support needed to achieve his/her highest academic potential. Your contribution to the Foundation helps to ensure that this vision moves closer to reality. With the support of so many donors over the past five years we have been able to implement our plan and support the plans of the Detroit Public Schools.