Excellence Awards Workshop and Luncheon

Jun 2, 2014 | News

Going off to college presents a range of new experiences and challenges for every high school graduate. Making new friends, being away from family, worrying about academic preparation and paying for school are just a few of the concerns for first time college attendees. However, they don’t always think about questions such as; how do I budget my spending money?; should I get a credit card?; do I need to worry about identity theft, and if so, what do I need to do to prevent it?

Thanks to the generous support of Flagstar Bank, 187 Excellence Awards graduating seniors from 12 high schools across the district participated in a financial literacy workshop at Wayne State University. This workshop was especially designed for this group of students who are headed off to college this fall. Their financial knowledge was enhanced and their questions were answered.

Following the workshop the students were treated to a luncheon. The morning concluded with a raffle for four $25 gift cards from Meijers. Each participant also left with a memento from Flagstar Bank.