DPSCD Parent Academy 2018 Summer Catalog

Aug 8, 2018 | Uncategorized

DPSCD recently launched The Parent Academy – a program that promotes parental involvement that supports student and family success. Expected to serve over 7,000 parents and caregivers, The Parent Academy offers FREE classes, training, and workshops in schools, libraries, community centers and faith-based institutions across Detroit. The mission of The Parent Academy is to provide the necessary tools and skills to build capacity and confidence in parents in order to support students academically, socially and emotionally.

The Parent Academy focuses on three key pillars:

  • Student Achievement – workshops and activities that provide strategies and tools for parents to support academic achievement at home and in school
  • Personal and Professional Development – workshops that build confidence while addressing basic needs, employment, family support, financial literacy and goal setting for the healthy development of families
  • Parenting/Advocacy – workshops for parents and caregivers to build and increase their effectiveness in advocating and leading on behalf of children

If you are interested in attending a workshop, please review The Parent Academy 2018 Summer Course Catalog and submit your contact information to begin the registration process.

All Parent Academy courses are free of charge and designed for parents, caregivers and community members. Students are welcome to attend along with their families if appropriate. Dates, times and locations are accurate at the time of publication; courses listed in this guide are subject to change.

For questions or assistance with registration, call 313.873.7490 or email parent.academy@detroitk12.org