2017/18 Cycle II Grantees Announced

Dec 12, 2017Newsletters

The Detroit Public Schools Foundation is a proud partner in providing students across Detroit Public Schools Community District with programs that support and enhance their education. During our Cycle II competitive grants process this fall, DPSF awarded over $70,000 to support programs and services throughout the District, servicing over 1,800 students at 8 schools as well as community partners Rackham Choir and Special Olympics Michigan. Programs will focus on mentoring for high school boys, cultural exchange programming between high schools, STEM for middle school students, career readiness at 3 high schools, and providing 500 DPSCD special needs students with the ability to participate in the Young Athletes Program with Special Olympics. The Foundation is proud to have been able to fund every application that was submitted from DPSCD this funding cycle, and looks forward to seeing the outcomes of these incredible programs, and the impact they will have on our students.