CTE Legislative Day

Mar 14, 2016Blogs, Message from Dr. Price

Career and technical education has been receiving more attention in recent years as we expand our thinking about ensuring multiple options for career success. Many students are drawn to the skilled trades, technology, hospitality and tourism, and other options that do not require a four year college degree. Those students can find their career path at one of the Career and Technical Centers in DPS.

The DPS Foundation has recognized the need to support these students and programs throughout our history. We have funded the purchase of technology, assisted with monies for driver training, facilitated participation in competitions, and highlighted the many possibilities that lie ahead for students.

On Friday, March 11, state and federal legislators were given the opportunity to see the array of options and programs at CTE Legislative Day where all of the Centers were able to demonstrate what they do. One of the highlights of the event was a drone demonstration. Of course the luncheon prepared and served by the students was also a hit.

Here are just a few photos of the day. I hope that they help to inform you of the ways in which your support of the Foundation is making an impact in the schools. It is exciting to see the pride that the students express when they talk about what they are learning, and what they can do. Your donations have made it possible.

Thank you
Glenda D. Price, PhD