Camp Bert Shurly

Jun 2, 2014News

Thank You Detroit. Due to the generosity of many people, DPS students will be able to have wonderful camp experiences this summer without the worry or expense of providing a full set of camp supplies. Our camp donation drive, which took place in the Fisher Building lobby, and Happy’s Pizza Restaurant will help ensure that each camper has the items the he or she needs.

While camp attendance is free for eligible students, they must have swim suits, pool shoes, sleeping bags, face cloths, sun screen, bug spray, body lotion, etc. Our drive gathered these items, and more, so that every camper can be provided the supplies that they were not able to bring from home.

Though this effort may appear to be a modest resource generating activity, it meets the needs of students, which is always the Foundation’s first priority. We are grateful for the participation of the Stephen Tulloch Foundation in this drive. His personal commitment is likewise appreciated.