CBS News: Foundation Helps Zara Noir Secure Multiple Scholarships for College

Aug 14, 2024Awards, Education, Media, News, Scholarship News

For many, the cost of college can be overwhelming, but thanks to the Detroit Public Schools Community District Foundation, students like Zara Noir are turning their dreams into reality. Zara, a dedicated graduate of CCH High School in Detroit, has always aspired to become a doctor. Her commitment to her studies and strategic approach to lowering college costs have led her to an incredible achievement.

This fall, Zara will be attending the University of Michigan, a goal made possible by her hard work and the support of multiple scholarships. The Detroit Public Schools Community District Foundation, with the backing of community donors, has stepped up its efforts this year, distributing $250,000 in scholarships to deserving students.

Zara’s journey is a testament to perseverance. She received three scholarships, including the prestigious Pernick Prize, totaling $22,000. This financial support is not only a game-changer for Zara but also for the 21 other students who will be awarded over $120,000 in scholarships at an upcoming ceremony. The future is bright for these graduates, as they take their next steps toward higher education with the community behind them.